

for what I AM
for what I do
for what I feel

for the lessons
for the realizations
for the transformations
happening in Me

for the expectations
for the ideas
for the thoughts
shared in Me

for the patience
for the attention
for the closeness
present in Me

Grateful for Me …



The more diseases we discover
The more pathogens we find
The more we come to realize
That the body will die

The desire to be immortal
The desire to live a long life
The desire for health
Originate from the intuitive feeling
That there is some”thing” in us
That is immortal

This some”thing” is not a thing
It has no qualities you can perceive
It is always present and aware
It never leaves you

What is the “thing” that is always there?
What was there when you were
a child
a teenager
a grown up
a senior

When you were
happy or sad
sick or healthy
stressed or relaxed?

The “I” was and is always there
And you can call “Me”
The Great Unknown

I have no name
I have no form
and yet
I have all names
I have all forms

And I
the Love
Life …


There comes a time
when outer teachers are no more needed.
Your inner teacher takes over
And there is a sweet ongoing mantra or satsang or prayer taking over.
And sometimes there can be a desire to meet with an outer teacher again.
You go and you find that you yourself were the teacher all allong.
This theacher unfolds more and more in the stillness of your heart.
Once you get familiar with its song,
you recognize it everywhere;
even in the midst of the deepest depression.
It sings and never stops.
You are the song, the singer and the singing…



Feeling the wind,
Hearing the rain,
Seeing the sun,
Tasting the wine,
Smelling the fire

I am the feeling and the wind
I am the hearing and the rain
I am the seeing and the sun
I am the tasting and the wine
I am the smelling and the fire

I am resistence and surrender
I am suffering and joy
I am fear and love

I am nothing and everything
I am me and you
I Am …

Letter to Ramesh

July 30, 2008


Dearest Ramesh, dearest I Am,


You are closer to my heart than my own breath.


Your words come to me from the Source we all are


Your silence is so endless that I have just a notion of the depths


Your love touches every cell each time I breathe


Your compassion floods my body and the universe with the brightest light.


When I experience the listening and the reading I experience me.


When I experience the silence and the wisdom, I experience me.


You touched me in every way I can think of.


You have blessed me truly.



Yours truly,
