
We must become so alone, so utterly alone, that we withdraw into our innermost self.

It is a way of bitter suffering.

But when our solitude is overcome, we are no longer alone, for we find that our innermost self is the spirit, that it is God, the indivisible.
And suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the world, yet undisturbed by its multiplicity,
for in our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.
―Hermann Hesse, Reflections. Image: author unknown. Composition: Midwives of the Soul


Discovering in total openess
Speaking from deep stillness

Giving from total vulnerability
Receiving in total connectedness

Lets gentle softness surface
like fluffy clouds in midnight sky

Floats through the open windows
like little Whitsun flames

Gives boundless vulnerability
to You as Me
to Me as You …

The moth and the flame

The sun has set at the horizon. No wind.
The candle lit and nocturnal noises come from evening distance
The stars appear, one by one
Breathing in, breathing out
Hands resting, watching

Moths circle the candle light
Closer, closer they come
irresistable drawn to the light.

A little crackle
and then the flame burns quietly again
not affected by what happened.

When has the moth become the flame?
When has the flame become the moth?
The moth in the flame is the flame.

We circle around the light that will burn us
The light will only burn the form
What never was born and never died
the Light that you are
Merges again
with the Light
that you were
will be …