

for what I AM
for what I do
for what I feel

for the lessons
for the realizations
for the transformations
happening in Me

for the expectations
for the ideas
for the thoughts
shared in Me

for the patience
for the attention
for the closeness
present in Me

Grateful for Me …



The more diseases we discover
The more pathogens we find
The more we come to realize
That the body will die

The desire to be immortal
The desire to live a long life
The desire for health
Originate from the intuitive feeling
That there is some”thing” in us
That is immortal

This some”thing” is not a thing
It has no qualities you can perceive
It is always present and aware
It never leaves you

What is the “thing” that is always there?
What was there when you were
a child
a teenager
a grown up
a senior

When you were
happy or sad
sick or healthy
stressed or relaxed?

The “I” was and is always there
And you can call “Me”
The Great Unknown

I have no name
I have no form
and yet
I have all names
I have all forms

And I
the Love
Life …


The sun, the moon, the stars, the universe,
the wind, the rain, the sky, the clouds,
the tree, the flower,
the animals,
mirror back
the impersonal
in Me

Some animals,
Most humans,
mirror back
the personal
in me
and Me

And I
feel totally at home

in the Impersonal company
of the sun, the moon, the stars, the universe,
the wind, the rain, the sky, the clouds,
the tree, the flower,
the animals …

I am afraid of dying


This is an example of how The Work of Byron Katie could unfold on the thought: 

“I am afraid of dying”

Q: “You are afraid of dying: Is it true?”
A: “Yes”
Q: “You are afraid of dying: Can you absolutely know that it is true?”
A: “………”
Q: “Where is your mind going?”
A: “I don’t know where it is going”.
Q: “OK, You are afraid of dying: Can you absolutely know that it is true?”
A: “…………. No, I can not know”
Q: “How do you react when you believe the thought: I am afraid of dying?”
A: “My body is tense, the mind goes nuts, I can not stop crying, I don’t want to go out of the house anymore, I only want to lie in bed all day, I do not want to be with people”
Q: “Yes, and how do you treat others when you believe the thought: I am afraid of dying?”
A: “I treat them as if they are my enemies. I believe they can harm me. I do not want to touch them. I do not want to talk to them. I isolate myself.”
Q: “How do you live your life when you believe the thought: I am afraid of dying”.
A: “I do everything to stay healthy. I avoid everything that is unhealthy. And at the same time I do all kinds of unhealthy things like overeating, pills, etc.”
Q: “So does the thought: I am afraid of dying, give you peace or stress into your life?”
A: “A lot of stress, definitely”
Q: “Who would you be without the thought: I am afraid of dying?”
A: “I don’t know”
Q: “How would you live your life without the thought: I am afraid of dying?”
A: ” …………….. I would be more at peace, more relaxed, I feel now that I am breathing deeper. It is hard to imagine me without this thought. It has been with me for so long………”
Q: “I am afraid of dying: can you turn it around?”
A: “I am not afraid of dying”
Q: “Sit with this and feel if it fits you as a new shoe. Does it feel as true or truer than the thought: I am afraid of dying?”
A: “It feels unusual. It feels more open”.
Q: “Can you find another turnaround: I am afraid of dying. What is the opposite of dying?”
A: “I am afraid of living. That makes a lot of sense. Right now I am alive. I am not dying. I don’t even know what dying feels like”.

“Yes, I suggest you play with the turnarounds, your thoughts and the questions. They will always lead you to You”



When you feel bound
Realize that bondage
is only the veiling
of the Freedom
that you are

When you feel closed
Realize that closure
is only the veiling
of the Openness
that you are

When you feel alone
Realize that aloneness
is only the veiling
of the Oneness
that you are

When you feel fear
Realize that fear
is only the veiling
of the Love
that you are …




one name
one word
for all multiplicity and diversity
of all creation

no I and the world
no you and me
just one radiant experience
of all creation

one name
one word
for all creation …