New Year’s Eve


When ‘wanting’ becomes Being
When ‘resisting’ becomes Peace

When ‘expecting’ becomes Surrender
When ‘knowing’ becomes Wisdom

When ‘judging’ becomes Watching
When ‘thinking’ becomes Stillness

Then you know
Grace has found you
and brought you
Home …

No word

No word

When you think you are something:
a christian, a muslim, a jew, a buddhist, a hindu,
an atheist, a carpenter, a painter, a writer, a friend,
a man, a woman, a child, a mother, a father, …

And when you believe that you are what you think you are,
You can go inside and do this meditation:

Without using your
thoughts, memories, associations, perceptions, emotions,

are you a christian, not a christian or neither

Be still and wait what comes up …

And do it with the next and the next and the next …

No word can describe what you are;
no word; no word; no word …


When the deep realization comes that
Consciousness looks through your eyes
Consciousness listens through your ears
Consciousness smells through your nose
Consciousness tastes through your tongue
Consciousness feels through your skin

then you Know:
Consciousness is all there is
Consciousness is what you are …

It is here …

When the meaning of the words: “It is here”
can not be explained anymore

When tears flow from the eyes
when you say those words

When you feel the heart jump
when you whisper those words

When the whole being
in stillness

Then you know:
It is here …